Hope farm small pet boarding

Licensed by Swale Borough Council [Update Pending]

Scoones house
Chestnut street
Me9 8de

Tel: 07961 034504

Pets Boarded: RabbitsGuinea PigsBirdsHamsters, Mice etc.

We have individual chalet style accommodation for your much loved cats set in a beautiful rural location. Hopefarmsmallpetboarding.co.uk 07961 034504

Please mention you found us on: findpetboarding.com

Make car journeys to the cattery or vets less stressful with Feliway Spray.

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Alternative Boarding Cattery services nearby

Here are some other near by services which you could try:

Herongate Village Cattery

Herongate Cattery provides comfort and safety whilst away from home.

Tel: 07842627421
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Kitty comforts Boarding Cattery

Set in a quiet and peaceful area of Blackmore End, Kitty Comforts is a purrrfect stay for your furry friends.

Tel: 07731 729792
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Cozyhome is a small cattery set within a private home suitable for 1/2 cats from the same family which is personal-loving- caring and cosy.

Tel: 01323642461
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Hocus Pocus Cat Hotel

We are a small, family run cat hotel, purpose-built and five star rated by West Suffolk Council.

Tel: 07922 665131
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