Choosing Holiday Boarding for Rabbits

When you plan a relaxing holiday, you want to know that your bunny will have somewhere safe to stay too. Boarding services that cater for rabbits' specific needs are less common than catteries and kennels so plan early to ensure you can find a boarding facility available for the dates of your holiday.
A Good Rabbit Boarding Facility will:
- Have experience with rabbit care
- Insist your rabbit is fed its normal brand of dry food
- Provide safe secure exercise for your rabbit
- Require boarding rabbits are vaccinated
- Put your contact details and rabbit's information down in writing
- Have contact details for an emergency vet
Start your search by contacting several rabbit boarding services in your area and asking questions about the service they offer. Use their replies to narrow down the list to those boarding facilities that can meet your rabbits needs.
Questions to Ask Boarding Facilties:
- Do they have boarding space available the dates you require?
- Do they house indoor/outdoor rabbits (as required)?
- Do they require vaccinations?
- What are the fees?
- What size accommodation do they provide?
- What are the arrangements if your rabbit becomes ill?
- Can the boarder cope with your rabbits special needs such as grooming requirements or administering medicine?
- Will they keep your bonded rabbits together?
Once you have narrowed down your choice, arrange a visit to view the rabbit boarding facilities in person. It's important you visit the boarding facility before the day you drop your rabbit off. You do not want to turn up and find the facilities are not what you were expecting and have no where to board your pet when you're going away the next day.
Checks to Make When You Visit the Boarder
- Is the accommodation clean, in good repair and if outside weather proof?
- Is the accommodation secure both from potential predators and escape attempts?
- Do all the rabbits have clean fresh water and hay?
- How much experience with rabbits do the staff have?
- Are any other animals such as cats & dogs kept separately?
If you are not happy with the conditions at the rabbit boarding facility you visit, go back to your list and arrange to visit another one. For your peace of mind and rabbits safety, you should only leave your bunny at a boarding facility you are entirely comfortable with.
Holiday Boarding for House Rabbits
Not all rabbit boarding facilities can cater to house rabbits. Some may house a single house rabbit at a time boarded in their home or alternatively provide heated outdoor pens/sheds suitable for house rabbits to stay in. House rabbit's shouldn't be kept in unheated outdoor boarding facilities during winter as they will not have the thick winter coats of rabbits used to living outdoors.
Preparing Your Rabbit for Boarding
Before you boarding your rabbit you need to ensure your rabbit has current vaccinations for VHD1 & 2 and Myxomatosis. These need to be done at least two weeks in advance. When you transport your rabbit, you should use a secure carrier such as a cat basket. Check with the boarding facility what item you need to provide, these may include:
- Your rabbit's favourite Toys
- Written instructions on your rabbits diet/feeding regime
- Your Vets contact information
- Your contact information or that of a trusted friend if you will be unreachable