Boarding Dogs in Your Home - You Need a Licence
If you are boarding dogs in your home then, just like a kennel, you must have a animal boarding licence issued by your local council.

The requirement for licensing is set out in the Animal Licensing Regulations (2018) if you live in England or the Animal Boarding Establishments Act (1963) for Scotland and Wales. The wording of the licence conditions vary slightly between the two acts but the principles are the same.
Getting a licence involves filling in an application form, paying a fee and having your home inspected. Licences have conditions attached including how your care for the dogs and provide for their needs, how many dogs you can care for and a requirement to keep a record of the animals you board.
Home Boarding Licence FAQ
What counts as home boarding?
Anyone providing boarding for other people's dogs needs a licence, whether they are working from specially built facilities, such as a kennel, or inviting dogs to stay in their home. If you run a business caring for dogs in your home you need a 'dog home boarding' licence. That applies to both overnight care and day care in your home - both count as 'home boarding'. If you go to the dog's house to provide care this is called 'pet sitting' and does not require a licence.
Is it true you don't need a licence if you earn under £1k?
One of the tests that legislation suggests councils use to tell if someone is operating a business is whether they earn over £1000 a year from what they are doing. This is to exclude people that might look after a friend or relatives dog and receive some monetary compensation. The £1000 clause includes all payments you receive including those for similar business e.g. if you offer walking and boarding it would consider your combined income when considering if you earnt over £1000. You also can't deduct any expenses from the total. In practical terms, if you are running a business you will be earning over this amount.
How do I apply for a dog home boarding license?
To apply for a license, you need to contact your local authority: You'll need to complete an application form and pay a fee. The council will arrange for an inspection of your home to ensure you meet the necessary standards.
What does the inspection involve?
The inspection assesses your home for safety, cleanliness, and suitability for boarding dogs. The inspector will look at areas in your home dogs will use including garden, food storage and preparation area, sleeping areas, and ask questions such as how you will dispose of dog waste and what you will do in an emergency. They are checking to see if your home meets the licence conditions and will provide a safe and suitable environment for dogs that stay with you.
Depending on the council inspections maybe carried out appointed inspector, a dog warden, environmental health officer or member of the licensing team.

Garden Cottage Pet Care

We asked Jacqui from Garden Cottage Pet Care about her experience with applying for a dog home boarding licence.
How long did the licensing process take?
We were told the licensing process can take up to 6 weeks however from applying to receiving ours it was just under 4 weeks.
What was it like having your home inspected?
Obviously you have a vague idea of what they're looking for from the information pack available online but it was quite nerve wrecking not knowing exactly what the inspector was going to look at and the questions he would ask. Every room in the house was inspected and the garden to check it was totally safe and secure. However the Inspector was very pleasant and positive and gave us lots of good advice not only on what we could do to make our home a safer environment for dogs but also on such things as clauses to include in our terms and conditions of business in order to cover us and operate within the Council's licensing conditions.
Did you have to make any changes to your business plan or home to meet the license conditions?
We had no changes to make to our business plan, however, we did have a few minor adjustments to make to our home. We had to install additional smoke detectors and a child gate in the hallway. The main change was that as we have quite a large pond we had to partition this off with fencing to make it safe for any guest dogs unused to open water. As our garden is over 50 metres long, this was not a problem as it still leaves a larger than average garden for the dogs to play in.
Do you have any advice for anyone about to apply for a license?
Rather than just complete and submit your application online, try and speak to your local Council Animal Welfare Officer about the process beforehand. They can give you some very good advice and direct you to appropriate guidance documents, although they can be a little difficult to track down sometimes... there appears to be one Officer that covers the whole of the Cheshire West and Chester Council area, so he's obviously very busy!
How much does a dog home boarding license cost?
The cost varies by local council, but typically ranges from £150 to £400. The fee is often split with one part covering the application process and the initial inspection and the rest due when the licence is granted. The fee can vary depending on the length of licence issued.
How long does the license last?
A dog home boarding license is valid for one to three years. In Wales/Scotland the maximum licence length is one year and it usually runs from 1st January to 31st December for ease of administration. In England licences can be 1, 2 or 3 years based on the rating you receive. Licences need to be renewed before they expire, usually the council will contact you about renewal, if not you should contact them approximately 10 weeks before the renewal is due.
How long will it take to get a licence?
This depends on your council. Some are very quick and can complete the process in weeks, others take much longer. The guidance for local authorities is they should aim to issue licences within 10 weeks.
It will take longer if the council find any issues you need to rectify before they can issue a licence, so make sure you are aware of the boarding conditions and prepare your home ready for the inspection.
Can I start my business whilst I wait for my licence?
Generally you will not be allowed to start boarding until your application is complete. However, some councils apply 'tacit consent' allowing you to start boarding if you've not been refused a licence within a certain period after applying.
Ask your council whether you are able to start advertising and taking bookings as long as you don't actually start taking care of dogs until you have your licence - though you should make anyone booking aware of your circumstances and not take payment in advance.
You also need to discuss this with your insurance company as not having a licence in place can invalidate your insurance.
How many dogs can I board at once?
Your license will specify the maximum number of dogs you can board at one time. This number is determined by the number of resident pet dogs you have, space available in your home and your ability to care for the dogs safely and effectively. In England the number of rooms in your home is a major factor as dogs much each have a designated room in case they need to be separated.
What are the licence conditions I have to comply with?
The full licence conditions for home boarding can be found here: Home Boarding Licence Conditions
What happens if I operate without a license?
Operating without a license is illegal and can result in fines and/or prosecution. You may be fined an unlimited amount or imprisoned for up to 6 months if you provide or arrange boarding for cats or dogs without a licence or do not follow the conditions of your licence. Operating without a licence also invalidates your business insurance in most cases.
Do I need any training to obtain a license?
To obtain a licence you need to either hold a formal qualification e.g. a Level 2 Ofqual regulated qualification in an appropriate subject or be able to show you have relevant and sufficient knowledge and experience. Training should include animal welfare, animal behaviour, handling, cleanliness & hygiene, feeding, disease prevention/control and first aid. A Level 3 Qualification can used to help obtain a higher rating.
Can I appeal if my license application is denied?
Usually the council will explain any issues and give you the opportunity to address them and then you can move forward with obtain a licence. If your application is denied, you can appeal the decision. The council should explain why they don't feel you meet the licence conditions and you can use an appeal to explain why you disagree.
What insurance do I need?
You need public liability insurance and pet boarding insurance. This covers you in case a dog in your care is injured due to negligence or causes damage to someone else's property. You may also consider 'care, custody or control', which can cover vet fees.
Can I lose my license once it's granted?
Yes, your license can be revoked if you fail to comply with the conditions or if your care standards fall below the required level. Licence holders are inspected annually to ensure ongoing compliance.
I'm already boarding, what should I do?
If you are currently operating without a licence then you should contact the council immediately to start the application process. Most will be supportive and help you through the process with as little disruption to your business as possible. However, it's possible you may be asked to temporarily stop boarding, or to only care for existing clients whilst the application is processed.
Where can I find out more?
If you'd like to know more about licensing and other aspects of running a dog home boarding business, try this book: Starting your own Boarding Business
It's full of practical tips and advice on business planning, legal requirements, finances, marketing and making your business a success... read more here.