Gate House Guinea Pig Hotel

Hartlake Road
Golden Green

Tel: 07428110056

Pets Boarded: RabbitsGuinea PigsReptilesHamsters, Mice etc.

Situated in the heart of Kent we provide specialist care for your pets while you enjoy your holiday.

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Make car journeys and boarding less stressful with Pet Remedy Natural Calming Spray.

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Alternative Small Pet Boarding services nearby

Here are some other near by services which you could try:

Kerry's Pet Hotel

Kerry's Pet Hotel- Friendly, caring, clean & comfortable, all inclusive, indoor boarding holiday accommodation for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters.

Tel: 01732 761955
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Binkys Boarding

Small Animal boarding for Rabbits, Hamsters & other furries. Purpose built cabin and annexe to keep your little ones cosy while you're away.

Tel: 07845319090
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Rotherhurst Small Pet Hotel

Professional caring boarding service for small pets and feathered friends

Tel: 01892 852065
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Deluxe holiday care; your pet is given the love and care they receive at home, ensuring you have a relaxed holiday, knowing your pet is in safe hands.

Tel: 07958 983 670
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