Little Menagerie Small Pet Boarding

Woodside Cottage

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About our Small Pet Boarding

We board: RabbitsGuinea PigsBirdsReptilesHamsters, Mice etc.

Little Menagerie is based in our home in Cavers near Hawick, Scottish Borders. We offer a super boarding service for small animals where you can leave your furry friends in our care with complete peace of mind.

My name is Heather and I along with my partner Stu will be caring for your furry friend(s) during their stay with us. We are a home that loves all animals. We live with our two dogs, Lola our beagle and Bracken our working cocker and also our two Chinchillas, Eva and Violet.

I have had many years experience with animals growing up including achieving my extended certificate and diploma in Animal Care and also caring for many of my own pets over the years e.g. rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, snakes, lizards, birds etc.
Your pet(s) will be cared for like one of our family during their stay with us.

You are welcome to email us anytime to ask any questions or make a booking!
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Our indoor hutches provide a safe, dry space for rabbits and guinea pigs. They will also be given outdoor/indoor exercise time daily!

When you bring smaller furries (hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, chinchillas etc) we have limited cage options available so please make sure you let us know if you require a cage when making a booking to ensure one can be provided for your pets stay.

Many smaller pets will prefer their own habitat to stay in when they board with us so it is preferred to save upsetting them, they remain in their own cages from home. We have space for cages from home in both the boarding room and our office.


Boarders are given exercise time throughout each day during their stay with us.

Health & Hygiene:

Please see our terms and conditions for rabbit vaccination requirements prior to booking. Proof of your rabbits vaccinations against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease VHD1 and VHD2 before check in day. These vaccines are required to keep your pet and our other guests safe, thank you!

Small Pet Boarding Prices

Please find our prices on our website.

Other Services

Services: GroomingClaw Clipping

Rabbit and Guinea Pig nail trim/grooming -
Please specify yes or no when completing your pets booking form if you would like one of the additional services.

Boarding Facility Images

Reviews from Our Guests

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Heather from the Menagerie Small Pet Boarding has been wonderful and took care of our three rabbits. Her indoor boarding facilities were very clean and we were very happy to hear that they had a space to run around and get exercise. We will definitely look to board our rabbits again with them in the future!

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Note: Map only shows approximate location.

Open Hours

Monday to Friday
9am-11am and 4pm-6pm
Saturday and Sunday
*Arranged appointments only between our opening hours*

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